Recap of the AI Mini-Symposium

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Program and Speakers

The mini-symposium on ‘Artificial Intelligence in Molecular Immunology and Data Analysis’ took place on 3 June.

The series of lectures was organised by the coordinators of the Integrated Immunology Masters Programme to give students an overview of the future applications of AI-based tools in research. Today, the use of artificial intelligence is not only gaining relevance in the private sector, but also offers a wide range of possibilities for quantification, evaluation, analysis and much more in science.

The symposium was chaired by Prof. Falk Nimmerjahn. Speakers included Prof. Rainer Böckmann, Prof. Fulvia Ferrazzi, Prof. Andreas Maier and Prof. Stefan Uderhart. Unfortunately, the latter had to cancel due to illness. The speakers were particularly well suited as experts in fields such as computational biology, bioinformatics, pattern recognition and integrated tissue biology.

Students were able to submit a series of questions prior to the event, which were addressed by the speakers during their presentations and in the subsequent panel discussion. Participation in the event was voluntary for the students and provided an opportunity for those interested to learn more about AI in research. Due to the exciting nature of the topic and the many questions from the students, a lively discussion ensued.

All in all, it was a successful event with stimulating discussions, many interesting questions and informative presentations.